Class of 1964 Fall 2018 Class Note

Ginny Bellinger Ollis

4022 Front Street

San Diego, CA 92103

(619) 295-3904


I cannot thank the people who write to me to give me your stories enough! It takes me hours to email and call and so often get no response. Thank you, thank you!

Joyce Farmer Berg, one of the marvelous ladies of South Estabrooke Hall, reported that since her husband passed two years ago, she has found her way from New Jersey back to Maine. She invites you all to look her up at 6 Nevelson Street in Rockland. She is now retired — she previously was director of the Paterson Adult Day Center of the Catholic Family and Community Center. Enjoying what I call my time of “want-to—not —have-to” she has travelled to Edinburgh, Scotland, and Bend, OR. In Bend she had the joy of spending time with her son Andrew and three granddaughters.

George Splane, who you may recall as an SAE at Orono in 1962-’64, was mis-named in the ’64 yearbook as Peter Splane — no reason, just an error. He served in the U.S. Air Force 1964-’68, and then went to the Portland campus to finish his BA in ’69. In 1971 he and his wife, Susan Cosman Splane ’86, met Gene and Mary Day Monahan through the Bangor Jaycees and sadly, lost touch. If anyone knows how to reach Mary, please pass on Sue’s email:, and tell her they would like very much to talk with her again. In 2002 George retired from Eli Lilly and Co. after 28 years of sales and marketing in Bangor, and moved to lovely Anastasia Island, St. Augustine, FL. He has so far avoided any hurricane damage. George’s letter sounds like so many of us, he appreciates the “family” we built at the University of Maine. Their son, Mike, and daughter, Cate ’98, ’02G both graduated from UMO. George would love to have reach-outs from any of you.

Donald Quigley wrote that he was inspired by reading about three classmates he remembered well in spite of no contact since graduation. Sometimes we are not aware of our own impact! He registered the passing of two good friends from our class: Dick Hall, his college debating partner and successful attorney in SoCal, and Dan Lilley, his cousin and law school moot court partner followed by a brilliant career in Portland. He and Donald and Barry Mills ’62 went to Boston University Law School together, after which Don enjoyed 18 years in a small firm practice, married Linda, and produced two wonderful daughters, Jill and Bethany Rae. In 1986 they moved to Scarborough for his 28 years at Maine Medical Center as Senior VP and general counsel, and enjoyed working with classmate Judy Stone ’82 C.A.S., chief nursing officer there. In 2014 they followed their daughters to the San Francisco Bay area, which he is savvy to identify as more than just mileage distance! (Oh yes, every East Coaster I meet immediately sees the difference between the two oceanfront’s people!). Today they enjoy their grands and considerable travelling domestically and through Europe and Asia. He is an adjunct professor at UC Hastings Law School and mentor in the medical-legal clinic for seniors. He too would love to hear from friends!

So speaking of the Left Coast, just about a month ago I finally (and for the second time) have retired from the 40 years I spent in real estate, and have been infected by the inspiration and energy of Rotary. My fire is relit at every weekly meeting, and I enjoy all six of the committees on which I serve. Most amazing to me is working with kids. The Kindergarten and 1st graders I work with every week are doing paragraphs and math and reading almost better than I, and the junior and senior high students have such a new insight into our muddled world and drive to just do it right! If there is a Rotary near you, check it out. We are everywhere!

All of these classmates mention the joy and energizing feeling of being back in contact with old classmates. If you haven’t yet written your notes, please do so. You will be happily surprised at the heartstrings you pluck!