Honorary Member of the University of Maine Alumni Association

The Alumni Association Board of Directors has the sole authority to honor an individual by naming him/her an Honorary Member of the University of Maine Alumni Association.

Any alumnus/a of the University of Maine may nominate someone as an Honorary Member. Individuals may be nominated for Honorary Member distinction at any time during the year but the selection process will occur annually in the winter in conjunction with the selection process for all awards presented annually by the UMaine Alumni Association.

Honorary Member status is restricted to those who have never been enrolled as a student at the University of Maine, or who have been enrolled but completed less than two full semesters of study. Nominees will be judged on one or more of the following criteria:
o Outstanding service to UMaine and/or the Alumni Association
o Lifelong devotion to the University of Maine
o Demonstrated loyalty to UMaine and the Alumni Association

– Individuals may be nominated for Honorary Member status by submitting the official nomination form and a minimum of two letters of support, articulating why the candidate exemplifies one or more of selection criteria.
– Honorary Member status may be granted to no more than four individuals in each calendar year.
– Once the Award Selection Committee approves an individual to receive the Honorary Member status, their nomination will be presented to the entire Board of Directors for final approval.