Ginny Bellinger Ollis 4022 Front Street San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 295-3904 I cannot thank the people who write to me to give me your stories enough! It takes me hours to email and call and so often get no response. Thank you, thank you! Joyce Farmer Berg, one of the marvelous…
Class of 1964 Spring 2018 Class Note
May 30, 2018Ginny Bellinger Ollis 4022 Front Street San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 295-3904 Hello, Black Bears! As I am writing this, fires have been devastating the Golden State, floods running all over the south and coastal areas, and never mind the “bomb cyclone” putting the central states and east coast under cover! All I…
Class of ’64 Fall 2017 Class Notes
November 6, 2017Ginny Bellinger Ollis 4022 Front Street San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 295-3904 Hello. You all probably know this, but some of our very best friends are those we have had for a long time. Judy Joel Tardiff, my Penobscot Hall roommate for our last three years, and I met in New York…