Class of 1952 Summer 2023 Class Note

Hello classmates, we hope you are doing well and have been able to keep up with all the wonderful things happening at our alma mater. It’s so great to hear and read about the updates to the athletic fields, the wonderful research being done, the amazing projects the students are working on, and much more!

We have some updates and announcements for you. The Alumni Association will be hosting the annual Senior Alumni Reunion on campus September 28-30, and we encourage as many 1952 classmates that can attend in person to do so! We are welcome to attend any of the tours taking place, the All-Alumni Dinner, the Senior Alumni Luncheon, and the guest speakers. We can attend one event or all of them! Our friends in the Class of 1953 will be celebrating their 70th Reunion, so it will be great to see them celebrate their milestone as well! For those of us who can attend, the Alumni office will seat us all together at the luncheon and dinner!

An update on our Class Scholarship Fund: As of 3/31/2023, the principal value of our fund was $160,826 and the market value was $185,728. Thank you to all who have supported this fund over the years and for any donations made in the future. Our scholarship is currently awarded to descendants of our class and helps multiple students each year. We also have our Class of 1952 Buchanan Alumni House Fund that helps support our Alumni House on campus. As of 3/31/23 the principal value of that fund was $124,783 and the market value was $144,127. We should be so proud of the work we do and the contributions we make to support the college of our hearts always!

Let us know if you have any news for our next column, or let the Alumni Association know! The Class of 1952 has 157 living classmates and we would love to have an update on each and every one of you! Hope to hear from you soon!