Class of 1967 Winter 2022 Class Note

Greetings, Class of ’67 — 

A big thank you goes to Karen Wessell Hull for serving as the ’67 class correspondent and writing the news for the magazine since 2006. Karen helped keep people informed about their classmates and the university. She has notified the class that she will no longer be continuing as class correspondent, so we are looking for someone to take on that task. Thank you, Karen, for your work on behalf of the class!

Dave Ames observed that not many ’67ers attended the fall Reunion on campus. A small group attended the Thursday night dinner, and four class members attended the business meeting on Friday morning. 

The four members present at the business meeting decided to keep the officers the same as the past five years, with the exception of the class correspondent. 

“Hopefully, we will have a better turnout for our 60th. Reunion was not the same without Edie McVay King present. We held a moment of silence for all deceased members; a list of those classmates was provided for those of us in attendance,” Dave reported.