Class of 1975 Summer 2021 Class Note

Isabelle Birdsall Schweitzer 
Ithaca, NY 14850

So great to see spring arriving and the vaccination program perhaps meaning the end of this long year.
I was so fortunate to get to spend some time on campus recently while visiting my daughter and new grandson. It was perfect early spring weather and the campus looked beautiful. I was struck how different the experience is for the students there now during the time of COVID as compared to the freedoms we had while there. 
Claire Strickland retired as chief business officer for the University of Maine this past fall after a 45-year career on campus. A special scholarship was set up in her honor to benefit juniors and seniors in the humanities. I am sure she is greatly missed. 
Susan Cook is a licensed psychologist and works in Yarmouth, ME.
I was so glad to receive an email from Jim Angell. Jim attempted to semi-retire in 2017 after 38 years of a full-time law practice, a litigator, prosecutor, municipal attorney, and college instructor. His plan had been to do only real estate law, but since real estate has been booming since then, he is busier than ever. Over the years he has coached championship high school baseball and played senior ice hockey in the US, Canada, and Sweden.
I was also pleased to receive news from John Kimball, who retired in the fall of 2020 after nearly 45 years in banking in and around eastern and central Maine. For the last 10 years he was vice president of Skowhegan Savings Bank.
Please send me your news for the next issue.
Wishing you a happy summer.