Welcome to the Class of 1966. We’d love to hear from you. Please take a few moments and share your news with classmates.
For question or to get involved in class activities, please contact Mckenzie Evans ’24 (207) 581-1143.
Welcome to the Class of 1966. We’d love to hear from you. Please take a few moments and share your news with classmates.
For question or to get involved in class activities, please contact Mckenzie Evans ’24 (207) 581-1143.
Hey fellow ‘66ers! It’s me again with updates from a relatively small number of respondents (four including me), two of them being first time communicators. The first of those is David Brann. Dave was an ROTC graduate from UMaine. He now lives in Lemont, IL, with his wife, Donna, whom he met in graduate school…
Hi ‘66ers. It’s that time again to share the past half year of happenings. I turned 80 back in March but suspect that’s going around in this group. Some time back I got a phone call from classmate Richard Perkins about his efforts to get recognition of John Marsh the namesake of Marsh Island upon…
It’s me again, ‘66ers! I’ll start off with a little travelogue on the most recent two Viking Cruises Marge and I have taken. On March 21 we flew to Prague, spent three days there, then bussed to the Elbe River and boarded our boat on the way to Berlin. Along the way we stopped at…
Hey, ‘66ers! Have any of you developed Fuch’s Dystrophy or know what it is? That’s the condition I mentioned in the last column where the cells on the inside of your corneas stop doing ‘their job’ and your vision gets progressively blurrier. From the end of October to the end of January I had surgery…
Dear ’66 alumni! As I write this in October, Marge and I have returned from a week in Traverse City, MI, where the fall color is more like that of New England than that in Northwest Ohio. While there, I received feedback from four of our fellow alumni. Given that this is a relatively small…
Hey ’66ers! Thanks to all of our classmates for responding to my recent email blast. I will try to fit you all into this column, but if I run out of space, I’ll keep the remainder on hand for the next issue. At this writing Marge and I have recently returned from the previously mentioned…
With any kind of good fortune, by the time you see this the COVID Delta variant will have morphed into one called Levee, that not only causes no symptoms but also blocks the mutational development of any other form! OK, I was an experimental endocrinologist, not a virologist, but we can hope, can’t we? Speaking…
Lee A. Meserve 756 South Wintergarden Road Bowling Green, OH 43402 lmeserv@bgsu.edu facebook.com/groups/UMaineClass1966/ Hello again, ‘66ers! After the first of the year our class leadership team of officers — Emil Swift, president; Bruce Staples, vice president; Barb Bristol Paiton, secretary/treasurer; Nancy Erikson Ladd, class agent; and myself, class correspondent — had a productive Zoom meeting…
Hello, fellow 1966 graduates! I have assumed the position of class correspondent for the alumni magazine. Since I agreed to do this close to the deadline for submission for the next one, this column will serve primarily as an introduction to me. I composed the little rap below for my wife, Marge, and my 50th…
Dan Hillard’s last column appeared in the winter issue of the MAINE Alumni Magazine. Dan did a stellar job of writing the column for the Class of 1966 from 2006 until his death last December. In recognition of his outstanding work, he received the class correspondent award in 2013. The Class of ’66 needs someone…
Dan Hillard When will spring arrive? It’s been a rough winter already, but we bundle up with a good book and enjoy life! Last fall I received a call from Robert Harrison, who’s still practicing law in Kentucky. As a reminder Bob was our campus mayor, Snuffy Smith. He was commissioned through ROTC and served…
Dan Hillard Hello from the North Country, and happy summer, everyone! Nancy Erikson Ladd shared that the $1,296 Class of ’66 Scholarship was awarded to Bradle Denholm, a senior majoring in computer engineering at the university. Bradley is from Orono and is the grandson of classmate William Bacigalupo. Philip Grant graduated with a degree in…
Dan Hillard P. O. Box 138 Chandler Farms Wilder, VT 05088 (802) 295-9044 micmac43@comcast.net www.facebook.com/groups/UMaineClass1966/ The August mini reunion has come and gone and what a neat event it was, thanks to our gracious hosts, Carole Spruce and Bob Kittredge. Very well planned and well attended. For starters, on Thursday evening, about 36 of…
Dan Hillard P. O. Box 138 Chandler Farms Wilder, VT 05088 (802) 295-9044 micmac43@comcast.net www.facebook.com/groups/UMaineClass1966/ It’s not too early to start packing for our mini class Reunion in Portland in August. A pizza party has been set up at Pat’s Pizza in Yarmouth, on Route 1 on Thursday evening at 5:30.On Thursdaynight at 8 PM,…
Dan Hillard P. O. Box 138 Chandler Farms Wilder, VT 05088 (802) 295-9044 micmac43@comcast.net www.facebook.com/groups/UMaineClass1966/ After a hugely successful 50th Reunion last September, there is a great deal of enthusiasm for another get-together. Plans are in the works for a 52-year mini-reunion in Portland next year. I am pleased to share that Bob Kittredge…
The Class of 1966 participates in the Class Adoption Program and has adopted the Class of 2016.