Welcome to the Class of 1976. We’d love to hear from you. Please take a few moments and share your news with classmates.
For question or to get involved in class activities, Mckenzie Evans ’24 (207) 581-1143.
Welcome to the Class of 1976. We’d love to hear from you. Please take a few moments and share your news with classmates.
For question or to get involved in class activities, Mckenzie Evans ’24 (207) 581-1143.
Summer arrived after a very mild and mostly snowless winter in New England. John Ferland sent a note stating that he and Anders Beal ’11, ’15G participated in the Conference on US-Chile Climate Action and Energy Transition held in Santiago, Chile. John is the president of Ocean Renewable Power Company based in Portland, ME, and…
Another school year at UMaine is underway and the Class of 2027 has completed their first semester! I received a nice email from Alison Brown Haskins, who writes that she retired from the city of Hamilton, Ohio, Public Works Department in 2014. Since then she has had more time to garden, travel, and be involved…
Hello, ’76ers, and happy summer! When spring arrived in New England after a milder-than-normal winter, it brought back memories of walking across campus to get to classes at UMaine while smelling the distinct smells of spring. I am sad to report that our classmate Tim Allen passed away last August. Tim, an English major, was…
Hello, ’76ers! I’m hoping you are all doing well and are having a good winter! It’s hard to believe that it’s been 46 years since we graduated from UMaine. When our column first started, we had lots of announcements about new jobs, marriages, and babies. As the years went by, we saw promotions, moves around…
Hello, ’76ers, I hope you all survived the winter and are now basking in the warmth of summer. It seems that most of our news is focused on retirements as we approach our seventh decade. David Gilmore sent me an email last winter. David retired in May of 2021 from Arkansas State University, where he…
Hello, classmates! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Welcome to 2022! Since most of us are retired now, or close to it, please take a moment and send us a short update to include in our next column about what you’ve been up to. Nora Griffin-Shirley writes that she received the 2021 Distinguished…
David Theoharides 6 Frances Way South Deerfield, MA 01373 dtheoharides@gmail.com (207) 651-0593 facebook.com/groups/UMaineClass1976/ Hello, classmates, As you are reading this summer issue of the MAINE Alumni Magazine, I am hoping that you are all well and that your life has started to return to some sort of normalcy. I haven’t heard from many ’76ers during…
Hello, ’76ers, Winter is upon us and we’ve just ended a very challenging year. I hope you all are safe and well as we look forward to what should be better times. Steven Snow writes that he retired last July from Georgia-Pacific Gypsum in Newington, NH. He is an avid runner competing in Masters track…
David Theoharides Hello ’76ers, I am writing this column in mid-March and like many of you I am homebound waiting out the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m also trying to get used to being called “elderly!” When did that happen? Classmates in the news include News Center Maine’s Bill Green, who retired after 47 years with the…
David Theoharides Hello, ’76ers! I hope you all had a great summer and fall with lots of opportunities to get outdoors, see family, and vacation. I am now nine months into being retired and I am slowly figuring it out! It’s not as easy as I thought it would be after working for 42 years!…
David Theoharides Hello ’76ers! We are now all joining the Medicare generation! Yikes! I looked back on some of my old Alumnus columns — in the ’80s we were getting married and having children, in the 2000s our kids were graduating from high school and we were moving up our career ladders, and now here…
David Theoharides 68 Payeur Circle Sanford, ME 04073 (207) 636-7482 dtheo@sanford.org facebook.com/groups/UMaineClass1976/ Hello, Class of ’76! It’s hard to believe, but many of us are starting to retire! When did that happen? It feels like we just graduated from UMaine yesterday! I only received a couple of emails from our classmates this time, so…
David Theoharides 68 Payeur Circle Sanford, ME 04073 (207) 636-7482 dtheo@sanford.org facebook.com/groups/UMaineClass1976/ I received an email from Georgia Tuttle, MD, who recently received the key to the City of Lebanon, NH, and a proclamation from NH Governor Christopher Sununu, who honored her as the longest-serving mayor in the history of the city of Lebanon, NH.…
David Theoharides 68 Payeur Circle Sanford, ME 04073 (207) 636-7482 dtheo@sanford.org facebook.com/groups/UMaineClass1976/ Hello, fellow ’76ers, After a particular dry and hot summer, fall in all its glory is arriving in Maine. Do you remember how beautiful the campus was in autumn? I haven’t heard from a lot of our classmates lately, so please take…
After many years in Cambridge and Lexington, MA, Daniel Martin returned in Maine in 1998. In 2002 he founded Acadia Controls LLC, and now provides technical consulting services in image processing, multi-sensor fusion, and algorithm development.
Steven Snow wrote that he continues to compete in masters track and field, “most recently at the 2016 Penn Relays, where I placed fifth in the M60 100m dash. The Mass Velocity Track Club M60 4×400 relay team on which I competed fared better, however, placing first among the M60 teams. Last summer, at the National…
The Class of 1976 Class Project is the Class of 1976 Scholarship Fund with a goal of $16,000.