Class of 1978

Welcome to the Class of 1978. We’d love to hear from you. Please take a few moments and share your news with classmates.

For question or to get involved in class activities, please contact Mckenzie Evans ’24 (207) 581-1143.

Class Officers 2023-2028

President Meredith N. Strang Burgess
Vice President/Class Correspondent Linda Card LeBlond
Secretary Mary Rogers Libhart
Treasurer Harry H. Hinrichsen
Co-Class Agent Judith L. Morton
Co-Class Agent Donna Keirstead Thornton
Reunion Committee Suzan C. Beaudoin, Richard J. Brewer, Kathryn E. Burgoin, Dianna Dayton Dowd, Ellen M. Honan, Cathy A. Hopper, Bruce J. Hynes, Pamela Joy, Brian Knowlton, Catherine Brown Lemin, Greg Leonard, Joe Loring, Richard A. MacInnes, Kathleen Mahoney, Emile E. Paradis, Timothy J. Rector, Larry Reynolds, Clayton Saucier, Rob Sherman, Lori Oberst Tewhey