Golden “M” Award

The Golden “M” Award is voted on by classmates at the 50th Reunion, and is presented to a member of the 50th reunion class for outstanding class service and/or class leadership since graduation. The award was established in 1982 by the late Roger C. Castle ’21 in memory of classmate Emilie Kritter Josselyn, who served the Class of 1921 as class secretary for an unprecedented 60 consecutive years.

Recipients by year

2023 Rachel Dutch Davenport ’73
2022 Anne Dearstyne Ketchen ’72
2021 Charles Stanhope ’71
2020 Kevin McArdle ’70
2019 Andrea Hayes Lott ’69
2018 Steve Rideout ’68
2017 David Ames’ 67
Emil Swift ’66
 Horace W. Horton ’65
Virginia Bellinger Ollis ’64
2013 Jim Goff ’63
Diane Ingalls Zito ’62
2011 Judy Ohr ’61
2010 Nancy Morse Dysart ’60
2009 Richard Collins ’59*
2008 Robert F. McKown ’58
2007 Lois A. Whitcomb ’57
2006  William D. Johnson ’56
2005  Reginald Bowden ’55
2004  Mary MacKinnon Nelson ’54*
2003 Nancy Schott Plaisted ’53
2002 William D. Currie ’52
2001 Joan Wiswell Beach ’51
2000 Margaret Mollison McIntosh ’50
1999 Thelma Crossland Robie ’49*
1998 Frank W. Haines, Jr. ’48*
1997 Robert H. ’47* & Stella Borkowski Patten ’47*
1996 Virginia Tufts Chaplin ’46*
1995 Barbara Higgins Bodwell ’45*
1994 Jean G. Hufnagel ’44*
1993 Bert L. Pratt, Jr. ’43*
1992 Dorothy Brewer Erikson ’42*
1991 Helen Wormwood Pierce ’41*
1990 Alice Donovan Poeppelmeier ’40*
1989 Herbert “Spike” A. Leonard ’39*
1988 Robert L. Fuller ’38*
1987 Hope Wing Weston ’37
1986 Lowell N. Weston ’36*
1985 Carl A. Whitman ’35*
1984 Fern Allen Turbyne ’34*
1983 Thomas J. Desmond ’33*

*denotes deceased