Recent News

Headshot of Genevieve McDonald '18
February 16, 2021

Lured by Education

GENEVIEVE MCDONALD ’18 represents a legislative district that could have inspired the old Maine saying, “You can’t get there from here!” It consists of 10 communities scattered across 14 coastal islands in Downeast Maine. Only two of the islands are accessible by car from McDonald’s home in Ston ington, so she often utilizes her own…

Image of Suzanne K Hart
February 16, 2021

Suzanne Kay Hart

THE UMAINE Alumni Association Board of Directors has voted to rename one of its most prestigious awards after a longtime Association volunteer and leader who passed away on October 9, 2020. In December, the board voted unanimously to rename the “Pine Tree Emblem Alumni Service Award” as the “Suzanne Kay Hart ’68 Alumni Service Award.”…

Photo depicting police waring riot gear at a rally with sparks flying
February 16, 2021

A Life in Pictures

GINA FERAZZI frantically loads her Ford Fusion for a 300-mile drive north from her home in Riverside, California, to Mammoth in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. She says good-bye to Charlie, her Goldendoodle, who sulks when she departs. It’s November 19, 2020, the end of a typical week in Ferazzi’s life as a staff photographer for…

Erik Gunderson Headshot
February 16, 2021

Serious Business

FOLLOWING HIS UMAINE graduation, Erik Gundersen ’05 moved to Arizona to pursue a career as a golf pro. When that didn’t pan out, he moved back to Maine, where he has become a major player of a different kind. Gundersen, 37, directs Maine’s Office of Marijuana Policy (OMP), the arm of state government responsible for…

Headshots of UMaine Alumni members in the Maine State Legislature
February 16, 2021

Black Bears in Maine’s Legislature

The current Maine State Legislature has a strong representation of Black Bear alumni among its members: eight senators and 17 representatives, including House Majority Leader Michelle Dunphy `88, `96. All legislators may be reached via the following email format:   < Back to Winter 2021 MAINE Alumni Magazine

Photo of UMaine
February 16, 2021

UMaine Noted in Two Influential College Review Publications

UMaine is among the best 386 colleges in the nation, according to the 2021 edition of The Princeton Review. The Princeton Review annual guide gathers data on the nation’s 2,800 four-year colleges from administrators as well as surveys from students. UMaine also is highlighted in the Fiske Guide to Colleges 2021.The annual publication features more…

Claire Strickland Headshot
February 16, 2021

Strickland ’75 Retires after 45-year UMaine Career

Claire Labrie Strickland ’75, a longtime budget officer at UMaine, retired in December after a 45-year career at her alma mater. Strickland, whose final post was as the university’s chief budget officer, arrived in Orono in 1971 to start her college career. After graduation she took a temporary clerk-typist position in the College of Arts…

Student working on a laptop
February 16, 2021

Students and Faculty Tackle Lab Coursework Remotely

The pandemic posed countless challenges, including the logistics and safety of teaching and performing chemistry in lab classes. When classes shifted last March from in-person to remote instruction, faculty and staff had to figure out how to provide students with a supervised, safe, hands-on learning experience. The department of chemistry responded by assembling more than…

February 16, 2021

Magazine Receives Prestigious Award

MAINE Alumni Magazine has won a 2021 Gold Excellence Award from District 1 of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) in recognition of the magazine’s summer 2020 edition. The honor pertains to the Alumni Association’s special expanded edition, which it produced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The magazine featured its usual…

MBA Program Enrollment Soars
February 16, 2021

Enrollment in MBA Program Soars

Enrollment in UMaine’s master’s degree program in business administration (MBA) has quadrupled over the past three years, according to university records. During the fall 2020 semester enrollment was 344, 300 percent greater than in 2017, when 86 students were enrolled. This unprecedented growth is largely the result of academic and administrative changes within the University…

Bioproducts Research Institute Receives Equipment Upgrade
February 16, 2021

Forest Bioproducts Research Institute Receives Equipment Upgrade

UMaine’s Forest Bioproducts Research Institute (FBRI) facilities in Old Town and in Jenness Hall will upgrade their equipment with $4.8 million awarded from the Defense Logistics Agency. The improved equipment will enable FBRI to continue to increase production, produce new bioproducts, and support ongoing research. The new equipment will enable researchers to study the creation…