Recent News

July 15, 2019

2019’s ‘Cocktails on the Coast’ Photos Are In!

Attendance at the annual Cocktails on the Coast social and networking event was again strong, thanks to great weather and new program elements.  Organized by the Black Bears of Portland with assistance from the Alumni Association, the popular gathering of UMaine alumni helps   raise funds for a newly-established scholarship to support UMaine students from…

July 15, 2019

Reunion 2019 Is Approaching

The classes of 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, and Senior Alumni will celebrate their reunions September 12th through 14th. The three-day Reunion will feature campus tours of new and exciting buildings on campus, a full riding tour of campus, lecture by Dr. Dana Humphrey, Dean of the College of Engineering, discussing the new Engineering Education and…

July 15, 2019

Bobby McFerrin Headlines This Year’s Collins Gala

Bobby McFerrin, 10-time Grammy Award winner perhaps best known for the a capella hit, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” will return to the stage of the Collins Center for the Arts on September, 28th. McFerrin has made a career of blurring the lines between pop music and fine art, inspiring a generation of musicians to sing…

July 15, 2019

UMaine Professor Showcased in Climate Change Article

Jacquelyn Gill, paleoecologist and assistant professor of paleoecology and plant ecology at the University of Maine, recently spoke with the digital news site Vice about her optimism in facing the climate crisis. She looks to the past to understand how species adapt and change through time.  “With the fossil record, the Earth is literally teaching…

July 11, 2019

A Life-Saving Path

    ON A BRIGHT FEBRUARY MORNING, under a blue sky that seemed to hold the promise of spring, Aislinn Sarnacki ’10 strode through a white pine forest at the Stover Preserve in Belfast and down to the snowy banks of the Passagassawakeag River. Sarnacki, a Bangor Daily News re­port­er, is familiar to many outdoor…

June 20, 2019

He Changed the World

    THERE ARE CERTAIN ALUMNI whose names are widely recognized by Black Bears of all generations. Stephen and Tabitha King. Bernard Lown. Cindy Blodgett. Raymond Fogler. Olympia Snowe. Chuck Peddle’s name may not be among the most recognizable of UMaine alumni. But it deserves to be. Before you could stream movies or access your…

June 17, 2019

Kachmar ’94 Receives 2019 Block “M” Award

The Alumni Association recently presented Jim Kachmar ’94 with a Block “M” Award for his leadership and participation in the Alumni Chapter of Southern Maine. Kachmar’s involvement within the chapter also includes his service on the board, a term as president, and involvement in planning the chapter’s signature event, the Golf Classic. Using his network…

June 17, 2019

UMaine Earns STARS Silver Sustainability Rating

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) recently awarded the University of Maine its first STARS Silver Rating for recycling almost half of its waste, promoting student life opportunities such as the Green Living and Learning dorm floor, reducing water consumption, and several other initiatives. The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating…

June 17, 2019

International Alumni Reunion in DC

A group of international alumni recently reconnected in Washington, D.C. Alumni in the photo are as follows: back row (left to right): Orlina Boteva ’04G, ’05G (Office of International Programs staff), Kannan Sockalingam ’00, ’02G, Shamarukh  “Malina” Mohiuddin ’03, Zeynep Turk ’95G; and bottom row: Brian Berger ’18 (OIP staff), Mireille Le Gal (OIP staff),…

June 17, 2019

A ‘Jack of All Trades’ Turns to Writing

Jack Cashman ’73 has worn many hats in his adult life. A long career in the insurance and commercial real estate businesses. Magazine publisher. Old Town City Councilor and Maine State Legislator. Major policymaking roles as Special Advisor to Maine Governor John Baldacci ’86, State Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, and Maine Public Utilities…

June 17, 2019

Online Site Helps Grads Manage Loan Debt

The Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) has online resources for managing student loan debt. In Maine, nearly 60 percent of college students surveyed in 2017 graduated with debt, and the average debt was $29,752. Maine graduates owe more in student loans than many of their peers, and have the 15th highest rate of college debt…

June 17, 2019

Leighton ’87G Ends 45-Year Career as Gouldsboro Educator

Sally Leighton ’87G, Peninsula School Principal and longtime Milbridge, ME resident, will retire from her career in education this month. “I’ve just enjoyed [my work] so much,” she reflected in an interview with the Ellsworth American. “I’m really going to miss it. But it’s time.” During her long career Leighton frequently explained to students why…