Join us for Senior Alumni Reunion on campus September 11-13, 2025.
Senior Alumni refers to all alumni who have celebrated their 50th Reunion and beyond! After reaching this impressive milestone, alumni are invited back annually in September to take part in the Fall Senior Alumni Reunion. Even if you are not in an official reunion year, we invite you to join us for some or all of Reunion! Everyone is also welcome to attend Homecoming October 24-25, 2025!
Classes celebrating with formal reunion activities on campus in September include: 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, and 1975.
The Class of 1975 will be inducted into Senior Alumni as they celebrate their 50th Reunion. We hope many of you from other alumni classes will join us as well as part of Senior Alumni!
For questions, call 207-581-1144.
Reserve your hotel room NOW as space is limited and rooms will fill up fast!
See lodging options HERE.
See below for a tentative Schedule of Reunion events. Subject to change. Campus Map available here.
Thursday, September 11
9:30am – 4:00pm: Registration at Buchanan Alumni House – Visit Buchanan Alumni House at your convenience to pick up your nametag and other reunion materials.
9:30 am – 4:00 pm: “Open House” facilities on campus – Visit the New Balance Recreation Center, the Hudson Museum, the Lord Hall Art Gallery, and more! These buildings and more will be open throughout the day for you to drop in and look around on your own if you wish.
11:45 am – 4:15 pm – Scheduled afternoon activities (bus transportation to the tours is provided) that you can sign up for include tours of:
11:45 am – The Performing Arts Facilities – Visit 1944 Hall, Minsky Recital Hall, Hauck Auditorium, and more! OR
11:45 am – Witter Farm – The J. Franklin Witter Teaching & Research Center in Old Town is the home for the college’s teaching and research programs in animal sciences and sustainable agriculture OR
12:15 pm – Dorm Room Tour/Dorm Life – Visit a dorm on campus to tour a dorm room and learn more about dorm life and life on campus! OR
12:15 pm – The Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center – Opened in August of 2022, the building includes a 10,000-square-foot multidisciplinary student project design suite, a 10,000-square-foot biomedical engineering research lab suite, six active learning classrooms, research labs, common areas, and more
1:45 pm – The Advanced Structures and Composites Center, a world-leading, interdisciplinary center for research, education, and economic development encompassing material sciences, manufacturing, and engineering of composites and structures – Home of the 3D House! OR
Other 1:45 pm activities include a faculty presentation (TBA) or a tour of the renovated Athletics Facilities on campus
3:15 pm – Bus Tour of Campus or a tour of the 3D House on campus or a tour of Buchanan Alumni House led by Jeff Mills, UMaine Foundation CEO or a tour of the Mahaney Dome Athletic Facility
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm: Class of 1975 50th Reunion Reception at the President’s House on campus
6:00 pm – Cocktail Hour and All-Alumni Dinner at Wells Conference Center on campus with special guest President Joan Ferrini-Mundy and entertainment provided by UMaine students. Cash bar open at 5:30 pm; Dinner seating at 6:00 pm.
Friday, September 12
8:00 am – 4:00 pm – Registration at Buchanan Alumni House – Visit Buchanan Alumni House at your convenience to pick up your nametag and other reunion materials.
9:00 am: Open House with current students at Buchanan Alumni House (Hosted and sponsored by Senior Alumni) – Breakfast refreshments available
9:30 am – 4:00 pm: “Open House” facilities on campus – Visit the New Balance Recreation Center, the Hudson Museum, the Lord Hall Art Gallery, and more!
9:45am-11:30am – Class Business Meetings
Noon: Senior Alumni Luncheon at Wells Conference Center with a guest panel of UMaine students
2:00 pm – 4:30 pm: Scheduled afternoon activities that you can sign up for (bus transportation provided to the tours) include tours of:
2:00 pm -The Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center OR
2:00 pm – Special Collections/Fogler Library – Fogler Library’s Special Collections Department was established in 1970 as a repository for Maine-related material. Virtually all available printed bibliographical, historical, and descriptive works on the state, as well as literary titles by Maine authors, are housed in this department. Browse memorabilia from your time on campus! OR
2:20 pm – The Hudson Museum – Explore the Museum’s extraordinary holdings in the World Cultures Gallery and the Maine Indian Gallery, as well as changing exhibits in the Merritt Gallery and the Minsky Culture Lab), OR
2:20 pm – The Advanced Structures and Composites Center
3:40 pm – Bus Tour of Campus
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm – UMaine Alumni Association’s 150th Anniversary Celebration at The Collins Center for the Arts
Saturday, September 13th
UMaine Football vs. Stonehill College at Alfond Stadium ($10 alumni discounted ticket available on reunion registration form)